Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

What a day. Lunch for several. Kids playing and loud. Easter egg hunt. Candy, candy and more candy. The best part of the day. All of the guest have gone. Quiet time, with the house cleaned up after the party. Time for a nap. I always look forward to Easter. Time with family is always good. Church was PACKED this morning. I wish we could tap into the "Holiday Effect" all year long. The feeling was different today @ church. More focused as a body on worship. It was good. It is always good to see more chairs being brought in to seat people in the back. Sorry to end this so abruptly, but I am being called to a late evening card game. Some family is still here. I'll write again later. Overall, it has been a good day.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

O.K. already!!!

O.K. already. Here's a post. What a concept. Writing your thoughts and placing them on the web for all to see. I'm having a difficult time committing. Because, you know, I am the type of person that can only begin one new thing at a time. And write now there are many new things going on in the Pafford House. Boys playing baseball, work is changing, let's not talk about the new and exciting projects at church, and my brother in law is getting married (It's about time). She is a great gal. And Theresa and I are beginning to hit the stage in life where we are saying, "Down time? What is down time?" Between baseball, baseball, piano, trumpet, church, and how do I fit in time to feed my addiction? (That would be yardsaling on Saturday w/my boys) How in the heck did my parents juggle 4 kids. What a nightmare. Lucky the 3rd child (that is me) was such a good kid. Never caused any problems. Always did what he was told. As you can see. I write like I think. Theresa would cringe at the grammatical errors in this blog! I've been sitting here trying to think of a cool way of ending this entry w/no luck. Soooo. Until next time. One only knows when that will be.